OSMP:coyote-vertical temporary leash requirements at Sanitas due to recent coyote activity


The City of Boulder OSMP is temporarily requiring dogs to be leashed on the Mount Sanitas Valley trail, effective immediately, as a result of several encounters between dogs and coyotes.  Although Voice and Sight control is normally allowed in this area, OSMP is enacting the temporary leash restrictions in order to provide the best possible protection for both dogs and coyotes.  Advisory signs have been posted to educate users on the issues.


“In the last two weeks there have been several reports of dogs interacting with coyotes. In each of these cases the dog guardian had either lost sight of his or her dog or was unable to call the dog back and the dog charged a coyote that was seen near the trail.  At least one of these encounters resulted in significant injuries to the dog,” Ranger Supervisor Joe Reale said.


The type of coyote behavior reported suggests there may be a den site in the area that the coyotes are defending.  An off-leash dog may be viewed as a threat to a coyote that has young nearby.


Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Kristin Cannon said, “This time of year coyotes will be active providing food and protection to young pups.  It is important that we keep unleashed dogs away from areas where coyotes are hunting and raising young.  Eventually the coyotes will disperse from the area, and the risk to both dogs and coyotes will be reduced.”


OSMP will monitor the situation at Mount Sanitas and will inform the public when it is once again safe to walk dogs under voice and sight control.

Please visit www.osmp.org for detailed maps and up-to-date information on regulations, closures, temporary or otherwise; or call 303-441-3440.

–CITY of Boulder press release–


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