“Terrific Two-Pronged Thriller”

“Hotshots” looks at a movie!

Closed Circuit is a terrific thriller about what is called the biggest high-profile murder case in British history.

Closed Circuit

Eric Bana stars as Martin Rose, who becomes the attorney for the defendant after the previous attorney committed suicide.

Or did he?

And to complicate matters, a woman, Claudia, whom Martin once had an affair with, is the defendant’s special advocate, and because of the sensitivity of the case to the government’s national interests, she is allowed to see information that not even the defendant, nor Martin, nor the general public will be allowed to know about.

Also, Claudia cannot share that information with Martin in defending the case against the accused murderer.

At any rate, Martin tells his superior, “You may rely on me.”

Unfortunately, this might not be a case of what you don’t know can’t hurt you.

Both Martin and Claudia discover that they are being kept under surveillance by an unknown person or persons.

In fact, evidence suggests that MI5, the British secret intelligence agency concerned with national affairs, might be involved in the case.

Or are they?

Martin and Claudia even get attacked separately, and Martin is laid up in the hospital.

So, Martin has to wade through a room full of documents left by the previous attorney, and Claudia has to go through the evidence that is revealed to her in secrecy as they both make their cases for the defendant.

And someone else who has been in contact with Martin about the case turns up dead.

So, we get two stories going on at once involving Martin and Claudia, with crosscutting between the two, and the tension becomes as thick as a London fog.

In addition, not everyone they know whether or not connected to the case is as they seem.

Eventually, Martin and Claudia determine that there is no good way out of this, and they are not strong enough to fight whoever is making it difficult for them.

On the other hand, Martin doesn’t want to give up and tell whoever is watching them that he and Claudia will do as they are told.

Although Martin and Claudia agree that they were the worst thing that ever happened to each other, their working on this case might not even let them correct the situation.

Closed Circuit is a terrific two-pronged thriller.

I’m Dan Culberson and this is “Hotshots.”