“Sweet and Touching Comedy”

“Hotshots” looks at a movie!

Delivery Man stars Vince Vaughn in a remake of a French-Canadian movie about a man with enough problems to begin with who finds himself in a situation that allows him to create even more problems.

Delivery ManVaughn plays David Wozniak who works for his father’s business in New York City driving a truck and delivering meat.

However, that is not all that makes him a delivery man.

You see, 20 years ago David earned a lot of money by donating sperm as a regular visitor at a fertility clinic.

And yet David is a terrible investor, and he now owes $80,000 which he borrowed from the Mob.

When David’s girlfriend, Emma, tells him that she is pregnant, David takes the news well and tells her, “This could be the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.”

However, Emma has doubts about whether David will make a good father, and she says that she will declare him “the father on probation.”

Meanwhile, David learns that the fertility clinic where he would “wrestle the dragon alone,” as he puts it, made a mistake and gave all the women in its clientele David’s sperm.

David had used the name “Starbuck” for all his donations, which amounted to 692 times, 533 children resulted, and 142 of those children have filed a lawsuit in order to learn Starbuck’s true identity.

David’s best friend, Brett, who has four children of his own, also happens to be a lawyer, and when David goes to Brett for help, Brett says that the dream of every lawyer is to argue a case of this significance.

Brett obtains the profiles of all the children involved in the lawsuit, turns them over to David in an envelope, but tells David not to open the envelope.

Well, you can guess what happens, can’t you? David opens up one profile, just one, and then he tracks down this son of his and is so impressed with who he is and what he turned out to be that David decides to convince Emma that he deserves to be her child’s father.

And opening up one profile to learn about one of his biological children is just like eating one potato chip. It can’t be done and doesn’t end there.

Delivery Man is a comedy that is sweet and touching and funny.

I’m Dan Culberson and this is “Hotshots.”