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“Another Unnecessary Remake”

“Hotshots” looks at a movie!

Straw Dogs is a remake of the classic 1971 film starring Dustin Hoffman and Susan George that was directed by acclaimed director Sam Peckinpah, who was known for the violence in his movies.

This 2011 version stars James Marsden and Kate Bosworth and was directed by Rod Lurie, and the location has been changed from a small town in western England to a small town in Southern Mississippi.

The title comes from the straw dogs that were used as ceremonial objects in ancient China. They were used as sacrifices, dressed up, put on the altar, and then when the ceremony was over, they were thrown into the street.

David and Amy are married, and when they drive into Blackwater, Mississippi, where Amy grew up, she mentions that the young good ol’ boys in town don’t have much to do anymore after their glory days of high-school football are over, and David compares them to the “straw dogs” of ancient China.

David is a Hollywood screenwriter, Amy recently starred in a television series, and they are in Blackwater because Amy’s father died and they are there to fix up his house and then sell it.

So, when they meet Charlie in town and find out that he has a small construction business, they hire Charlie to repair the roof on the barn.

Charlie says, “We take care of our own here,” and then he says to Amy, “Remember when I took care of you?”

And that is when David learns that Amy and Charlie had been high-school sweethearts.

Well, you can see where this is going, can’t you? Charlie and his construction team are rude and obnoxious, they ogle Amy because of the provocative way she dresses, and they belittle David almost every chance they get, because he doesn’t understand their small-town Southern culture, doesn’t fit in, and unknowingly insults them.

And then when Charlie and the boys invite David to go hunting with them, David feels obligated to go with them as a gesture of good will, but, of course, things don’t end well.

Things don’t end well at all, which can also be said about the whole movie.

There are some small subplots that attempt to flesh out the main plot, but basically the movie is an exercise in violence.

Straw Dogs is just another unnecessary remake.

I’m Dan Culberson and this is “Hotshots.”