“Hotshots” looks at a movie!

The Other Woman - Movie PosterTHE OTHER WOMAN is a fantasy come true for all women who have been involved with a man who cheated on them with another woman and even for women who have been that other woman, themselves.

In other words, it is a revenge movie, but presented as a comedy.

Cameron Diaz stars as Carly, and at the beginning of the movie she has been dating Mark for eight weeks, enough time for him to meet her father, Frank, played by Don Johnson.

However, Mark bails out of the meeting, telling Carly that he has to rush home to Connecticut for the weekend to fix a plumbing problem in his house.

So, Carly decides to wear something sexy and surprise Mark at his house, but she is the one who is surprised when she is greeted at the door by Mark’s wife, Kate, played by Leslie Mann.

Carly is a lawyer in New York City, and she tells her secretary, “I don’t do married guys,” and she thinks the unpleasant business is over.

However, Kate shows up to see Carly and wants to know the details about Carly’s involvement with Kate’s husband, eventually they become friends, and when they spy on Mark, they discover that he was even cheating on Carly with a super-hot girl, Amber, played by Kate Upton.

Well, now all three women get together and conspire to get revenge on Mark, who by now has revealed himself to the audience as being a real jerk who deserves to be brought down by these women.

Mark is an entrepreneur, and, sure enough, when the three women follow him to the Bahamas, where Mark keeps his money in order to hide it from Kate, they discover that he might even have another girlfriend, which would mean that he is also cheating on Amber.

The story is preposterous, it takes too long to get started, and it takes too long in the middle to get to where it wants to go, but it does have some laughs, it does have some scenes of slapstick, and it does end with the women getting revenge on a cheating jerk.

THE OTHER WOMAN should more accurately be titled “The Other Women,” I found some problems with it even though I laughed in places, but then it wasn’t made for men, was it?

I’m Dan Culberson and this is “Hotshots.”