
We only accept submissions of stories about specific cities. See our city list. We do  accept national or international stories or videos. The kinds of stories we are looking for are daily news about your city. If they come from your city departments, tourism board, chamber, University, county, embassy etc chances are we will publish them. We like press releases from non-profits too.  We also like News video from your city.

Policy We do not take political sides, so it you send us news  from your city and it has a political bent, we will not publish it.

Bloggers If you are a blogger from a city and write about your city, we will consider you as a columnist but not as a news writer. We do not publish people blogs. We only go under our banner. That pretty much sums it up.

What you need to know about us is that we have channels and news papers in in every small , medium and large city in the world and we only publish or play original material from your city.

We are not an aggregator.

We do  have a weekly calendar.

Stories can be any length and we like photos, art and video.

To submit stories about Boulder only send to news@boulderchannel1.com

Business stories: Retail, restaurant, music venue stories will be forwarded to advertising for commercials.  Pitches from PR firms are considered commercial so we charge $500 per hour just to listen to a pitch paid in advance by CC. Have it out when you call. Product stories are considered commercial here. You have to pay for them and they go into advertising. If you are a blogger or writer for a company we charge to run your blogs and name them as such. We do like all of the above, just we charge for anything commercial. It is how we make our money. We are not a franchise, are not for sale and are not interested in VC money. You cannot invest in C1N. You of course can advertise with us or buy our many services. K?

We do not pay for stories.

We have no paid jobs for writers or bloggers. (see internships and jobs in menu)

We will not send a reporter or camera crew to your event,(unless you hire us) but you can send a press release to us.

Stories can be any length and we like photos, art and video.

To submit stories about Boulder only send to news@boulderchannel1.com

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