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Boulder Soda Tax 2019 Health Equity Fund awards
Dec 6th
Do you know Boulder has hungry people. Here is a way we try to feed them
The City of Boulder has announced funding awards for 40 programs promoting health equity for city residents who are low-income or otherwise experiencing health disparities. Funded programs will address health promotion, general wellness and chronic disease prevention for at-risk populations.
During its Dec. 4 meeting, the Boulder City Council approved disbursement of $4,648,702.72 in total funding for 2019, through the Health Equity Fund (HEF), a community funding program created with revenues collected from the Sugar Sweetened Beverage Product Distribution Tax (SSB Tax). Program activities will include distribution of healthy and fresh foods, physical fitness, nutrition and wellness education, direct health services, increasing access to child care, health care and other services related to health improvement.
The city coordinates annual competitive HEF fund rounds where agencies can apply for funding for programs that meet the tax legislative intent and other HEF criteria. The Health Equity Advisory Committee, which includes a diverse group of community members, review applications and make funding allocation recommendations to the city.
In November 2018, city voters approved ballot measure 2D, allowing the city to retain all SSB Tax revenue for the HEF. Any revenue that is not allocated through the fund round will carry over for allocation for future funding opportunities.
The list of 2019 HEF funding allocations is available on the HEF website. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Crowe, Health Equity Fund program manager at 303-441-1928 or

Snarf’s Best Sandwich in Boulder County 2017
Nov 1st
We visit with Ellen the Marketing Director of Snarf’s Sub Shops and talk about their recent 2017 People’s Choice Gold Award for the Best Sandwich in Boulder County. We also have a look at some of the sandwiches that got them this prestigious win including their Meatball Parmesan that also was awarded the Best in 50 States for Colorado by USA Today in 2017.
Find more or our videos and news about Snarf’s in Boulder Here.
Snarf’s: Best Sandwich 2017
Sep 28th

When you eat a Snarf’s sandwich, know this: That flavor explosion, those bombs of deliciousness dropping on your tastebuds, don’t happen by accident.
Snarf’s packs its sandwiches, soups and salads with fresh, mouthwatering food. It’s a true Boulder original, and its many loyal customers are the reason the company has done so well here and elsewhere. Ask about what’s not on the menu. (Thank me later.) “We’ve been fortunate to be in Boulder for more than 20 years so we’ve developed many fans over the years”, says Marketing Director Jill Preston.
“Our fans or ‘Snarfers’ do an amazing job of spreading the word for us, so we have new people trying us every day in addition to our loyal customers. And we must admit, we think we have the best sandwich in Boulder!”
6562 Lookout Road.
Boulder, CO