Ouray Channel 1 is a web based TV Channel and Newspaper for Ouray, Colorado and surrounding area. Including News Music Food Movies Tech and ads. All local all original TV programming See new video and news here.

Rockin P Ranch Ouray
Oct 2nd
The Rockin P Ranch has a little something for everyone. They take pride on having unique items from over 50 artists including womens clothing and jewelry from award winning artists, western furniture, art, decorative accessories. Also, fun signs, t-shirts, caps and more.
“Winner of Ms. Congeniality Booth 2016 National Western Stock Show”
The Rockin P Ranch was founded in 1997 by a mother/daughter team from Fort Worth, Texas, Oleta Smith and Patty Lewis.
512 Main Street
Ouray, CO 81427
(970) 325-0434

2016 Best Places to Ski in Colorado TV Special is in production
Dec 26th

Our Best Places to Ski & Snowboard TV Special Begins December 22nd Ends April 15th, hosted by Jann Scott all over Colorado, the USA and the World. Including Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins. On Cable 22Boom in Boulder county 24x week. On C1N.TV 1 24/7. We come to your resort or business and shoot a 3 minute TV segment and play it all over the world.
Check out all of what you can get in our Show Price Listing Here.
To Advertise in this show contact:
Amanda Mooney: (720) 636-5551

Colorado Ski & Snowboard
Dec 23rd
Colorado Ski & Snowboard is a channel to watch videos and get information on what ski areas to visits in the state of Colorado and equipment to get when you want to head up to the resorts.