At first it look like god hated Boulder with the fires of 2010 and now the floods of 2013, but now today Gold has been discovered on top of the silt all over the city.

Oh wait it might be iron pirates !Boulder Channel 1 host Jann Scott was out shooting video of the water damage when he came across his friend who runs a Boulder convenience store. The store manager was all excited. ” Its Gold he said, /we found Gold. Sure enough a dozen or so of his friends were out scooping up gold flakes and nuggets of Gold which the flood waters had churned up. When asked about the Gold senator Mark Udall said “good for them”. If it is gold, Sheriff Pelle told us, “well if it’s laying on the ground it’s up for grabs, isn’t it?”

But how much Gold has come to the surface.? Two Gold miners on site told us. “This is gold Country. those hills are still filled with Gold. All that water went down in those mines and spit it up. My god we’re rich”.

By examination we saw Gold dust and nugget spread all over. Just amazing Boulder has become a Gold mecca over night.
What is nice to see is that the folks who discovered it all just folk who really need a wind fall.
An assessor will tell the truth.