Bad weather a-comin’ City gets ready
Like other Front Range communities, the city does not typically plow residential streets since most snow melts within a day or two and residential plowing would significantly increase costs, impacting other high-priority services. During most snowstorms, one “floater” snow plow responds to requests from the community and public safety personnel. When snowfall exceeds 12 inches, the city strategically services known problem areas on some residential streets. To request plowing on a specific residential street, make a “Snow Plow Request” online via or call Snow Dispatch at 303-413-7109.
Residential Street Plowing Pilot Program
In response to community feedback, the City of Boulder is also implementing a residential street plowing pilot program between Dec. 1, 2013, and March 1, 2014. Two snow plows will be sent to 10 pre-identified residential areas when both of the following criteria are met:
- eight inches or more of snow is predicted or actually accumulates (not including snowpack already on the road surface); and
- daytime temperatures are predicted to remain below freezing for the 72 hours after the snowstorm.
If both criteria are met and the pilot program is activated, the city will post a notification on the Snow and Ice Removal Web page. View the “Residential Street Plowing Pilot Program Map” to see the specific neighborhood streets where snow plows may be deployed as part of the pilot program.
Safety Tips
To make winter travel safer:
- give snow plows and spreader trucks plenty of room to operate;
- allow for more stopping distance on icy or snowy roads;
- avoid making last-minute decisions;
- teach your children to be extra careful around traffic; and
- use extra caution as you walk and bike in icy conditions.
Do not pass snow plows or spreader trucks, which are both wider than one traffic lane. This will help you avoid potential accidents, windshield damage and limited visibility caused by flying snow and ice.
Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal
Property owners, landlords and tenants must remove snow and ice from their sidewalks within 24 hours after snow stops falling. Clearing sidewalks in a timely manner makes travel safer for all pedestrians. Failure to remove snow from sidewalks before the 24-hour deadline may result in fines and/or abatement, which involves paying for a private snow removal contractor to clear the sidewalks. If the city incurs costs related to abatement, these will be passed on to the property owner.
Visit to view official snowfall reports from the National Weather Service. To report sidewalk violations, make a service request for “Sidewalk Snow & Ice Removal” online or call Code Enforcement at 303-441-3333.
Seniors and disabled residents who are physically unable to remove snow from their sidewalks may receive volunteer assistance through the Boulder County CareConnect Ice Busters program. Visit or call 303-443-1933 ext. 413 to volunteer or ext. 416 to request assistance.
For more detailed information about the city’s snow and ice removal operations, and select the “Snow and Ice Removal” link.
— CITY —
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