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Continuing on global terror panel #CWA2015

Continuing on global terror panel #CWA2015

Joanne went to trial if bombers in New York. “Why would they want to kill me and my children?”

Why this evil?

Could have responded with revenge… But chose to work to build cross cultural understanding: if globalization could be used as a solution, by understanding each other… What if??

What if Media only used: stories of collaboration? What if we stopped watching terrorism?

What if we used internet to collaborate internationally (vs. bombing?), had phone calls, dinners, what if we built relationships instead of more fear? What if we met in myriad ways & defeated global terror?

Security tightened… Fight terrorism …state-focused policy to fight non-state entity: Osama bin Laden…airport security, tv shows, films, computer games) (24, Homeland, American Sniper).

We don’t hear much about civilian deaths resulting from our efforts to defeat Muslim extremism. Role between military & diplomacy = very blurry…

“They are trying to stop the spread of Western mores…”

Fear generated by media-savvy tactics

by: Leanne Soucek and Students at the #CWA2015

Joanne Grady Huskey

The Globalization of Terror #CWA2015

Joanne Grady Huskey (Used to be a clown 🙂 ). She had taken her children for doc appt @ US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, 1998. Crawled out of basement hallway hole into wall of flames where car had been. 255 people killed. Al Qaeda debut. Husband survived because he was upstairs meeting with ambassador. For many in State Dept, that was 911….

From personal to global
Jay Parker (National Defense Univ.)
Malou Innocent
Isaiah Wilson (Ike) called away to Middle East
15 minutes each, then questions.

by: Leanne Soucek and Students at the #CWA2015