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Liberal Arts Scholarship Awarded to Flagler College Senior
Mar 31st

ST. AUGUSTINE, FL (03/31/2014) – The Northeast Florida chapter of Phi Beta Kappa recently awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Flagler College senior James Hastings.
Phi Beta Kappa scholarships are given to outstanding undergraduates who are engaged in the study of liberal arts. This year, the chapter handed out only three awards.
“I would not have been able to receive this scholarship without the support and encouragement of my professors, especially Dr. Wesley King and Dr. Timothy Johnson who both wrote recommendations for the application,” said Hastings, who is a double major in English and Philosophy/Religion. “I feel truly honored to be recognized by such an outstanding organization. My gratitude cannot be contained in words.”
The Phi Beta Kappa Society, founded in 1776, is the oldest and most respected undergraduate honors organization in the United States. Its mission has been to foster and recognize excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to broaden the influence of liberal arts ideals throughout the world.
Source: Flagler College

St. Johns County Library December Events
Nov 30th
Anastasia Island Movie Club
Tuesday, December 3 @ 5:30pm
We have a new selection for you the first Tuesday of the month. For more information, or the name of this month’s film, call 209-3730.
Stories with Santa
Wednesday, December 4 @ 10:30am
Bring in your little ones to have a very special visit with Santa and Ms. Clause. He will be here sharing stories about the North Pole and answering questions from the wee ones about what life is like for Santa. Be sure to bring in your cameras, as this is sure to be a memory you won’t want to forget.
New Disney DVD Family Movie Event
Friday, December 6 @ 3:30pm
(PG) The whole family will enjoy seeing this new DVD Disney release film about a cropdusting plane with a fear of heights. Dusty lives his dream of competing in a famous around-the-world aerial race. Light snacks are provided by the Friends of the Anastasia Island Branch Library.
Winter Wonderland Crafts for Kids & Tweens
Wednesday, December 11 @ 2:30pm
We’re feeling festive. Join us in creating holiday crafts and ornaments. We’ll supply the craft materials – you supply the creativity. All crafting supplies are provided, courtesy of the Friends of the Anastasia Island Branch Library.
Boom Science @ the Library
Friday, December 13 @ 3:30pm
Greg from Boom Science + crazy science experiments = Freaky Friday. Stop by to see what fun he has in store for us this time. Sponsored by the Friends of the Anastasia Island Branch Library.
Source: St. Johns Public Library System

This week in St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, and the Beaches, October 21 – 27
Oct 23rd
Flavors of Florida’s Historic Coast – More than 20 outstanding restaurants offer “Chef’s Choice” prix fixe (fixed price) three-course dining showcasing their chef’s talents and the rich culinary heritage of Florida’s Historic Coast. Intriguing lodging options and enticing cultural events combined with this special dining program make October an exciting and flavorful time to visit St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra and The Beaches.
“Gravity” at the IMAX Theater – “Gravity” is a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space on the biggest screen in Northeast Florida at the IMAX Theater, World Golf Hall of Fame. See the biggest movie of fall staring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Adults $13, Seniors/Students/Military $12, and Children 3-12 $10. Visit the website for showtimes. One World Golf Place, St. Augustine. 904-940-4133
Ordinary People – A colorful, folksy art presentation featuring some of St. Augustine’s first colonists. The exhibit is open daily from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the St. Augustine Visitor Information Center, 10 Castillo Dr.
Art Dorks Rise’ Art Exhibit at space:eight gallery – ‘Art Dorks Rise’ is a group show of 30 internationally-acclaimed artists exhibiting 30 pieces of original work. The show runs through November 30. 228 West King St., St. Augustine. 904-829-2838
A Victorian Halloween at Villa Zorayda Museum – Enjoy period decorations from the late 1800’s – early 1900’s along with the more traditional Halloween decorations at Villa Zorayda Museum. See the ghost of Franklin Smith, architect and builder of the house, as he writes a letter to his beloved wife, Laura. The museum is open Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission including audio tour is $10 adults, $4 children 7 – 12, seniors and military receive $1 discount. 83 King St., St. Augustine. 904-829-9887
Monday – Saturday: October 21-26
St. Augustine Spanish Wine Festival – The oldest city’s outstanding Spanish culinary heritage will be celebrated with this City of St. Augustine 450th Celebration Legacy Event. The festival features the very best in Spanish foods and wines presented at a variety of special events and restaurants. Oct. 21: VIP kickoff luncheon at First Coast Technical College; Oct. 22: Blessing of the Wine at the Cathedral Basilica’s West Courtyard; Oct. 23 & 24: Private wine tastings at various outstanding St. Augustine restaurants; Oct. 25: Cava Reception and Wine Dinner at the beautiful River House; and Oct. 26: Grand Tasting at the Visitor Information Center.
Tuesday – Sunday: October 22 – 27
The Tasting Tours “Corks and Forks” Celebrates Pink! – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Come hungry to stroll St. Augustine’s brick lined streets on this guided 3-hour food and wine tour and The Tasting Tours will donate $5 per ticket towards Breast Cancer Awareness! Tours are Tuesday through Sunday at 1:30 pm. Tickets are $79 pp all inclusive. Tours depart from The Gifted Cork, 64 Hypolita Street. 904-325-3911
12th Annual Tactile Art Show – This popular show at the St. Augustine Art Association features “touchable” art created in partnership with the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. The exhibit will be located in the Art Association’s gallery through October 27. The gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday noon – 4 p.m. and Sunday 2 – 5 p.m. Admission is free. 22 Marine St., St. Augustine. 904-824-2310
Tuesday: October 22
Fall Women’s Exchange Luncheon – Enjoy a special luncheon in the gardens of the historic Pena-Peck House. Doors to the Gift Shop open at 10:30 a.m. and the luncheon is served at noon. Tickets are $25 and include $5 fun money for shopping. Reservations are required in advance. 143 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-829-5064
Music Masters — EMMA and Flagler College host a Music Masters lecture and recital series from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Flagler Room at Flagler College. 74 King St., St. Augustine. 904-797-2800
Salt Air Farmer’s Market – Marineland Marina hosts the Salt Air Farmers Market from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Find an array of fresh, organically-grown produce and other yummy things. 101 Tolstoy Lane, St. Augustine. 904-814-9886
Wednesday: October 23
Marineland Kayak Adventure – Begin your day from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. with a kayak adventure by Ripple Effect Ecotours. All levels of kayaking experience will find enjoyment. If this day is not the best for you, then pick another day and we’ll be ready. All costs include passes to Marineland Dolphin Adventure, the finest kayaking equipment and the best guided service at $55 for adults and $45 for 15 years or younger. 101 Tolstoy Ln., St. Augustine. 904-347-1565
Farmer’s Arts and Crafts Market – Farmers’ Market located at the ocean-side St. Johns County Pier Park featuring selections of fresh produce, plants, baked goods, fine art, jewelry and more! Open 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rain or shine. 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. 904-347-8007
Thursday: October 24
The South: Where Is It? – Dr. John Shelton Reed and William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of North Carolina, will present “The South: Where is it?” at 7 p.m. in the Flagler Room at Ponce Hall, 74 King Street. The lecture is part of the speaker series Race and the South: St. Augustine in Context, presented by the Flagler College Ideas and Images program marking the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act. The lecture is free and open to the public. 904-819-6282
Friday: October 25
Paddle Pellicer Creek from Faver-Dykes – A local favorite tour guided by Ripple Effect Ecotours. Start from Faver-Dykes State park at 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. with a leisure paddle along the twisty path to relaxation and educational awareness of this beautiful Aquatic Preserve; one of the last remaining natural watersheds that flows into an estuarine system without major man-made alterations. A portion of the proceeds goes directly to the Friends of Washington Oaks for park improvement projects. All costs include the finest kayaking equipment and guided service at $55 for adults and $45 for 15 years or younger.
‘It’s About Time’ by St. Augustine Orchestra – Haydn’s “Clock Symphony,” Beethoven’s 8th Symphony, the Second Movement of Tchaikovsky’s No. 6 and other classical pieces with a “time” theme will be performed by the St. Augustine Orchestra under the direction of William McNeiland. Lightner Museum 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 and are available at the door. 25 Granada St., St. Augustine.
Neko Case Concert – Neko Case, known for her solo career and contributions as a member to the Canadian Indie Rock group The New Pornographers, performs at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall. The concert begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $35. 1050 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-209-0399
Whoo Gives a Hoot – Join Park Specialist Melissa Clauson at Faver-Dykes State Park campfire circle from 6 – 7 p.m. for an educational program all about owls. Learn about the three different owl species found at Faver-Dykes State Park, how they rule the night sky and how to identify their calls. After the program enjoy a few owl themed videos on the “big” screen around the campfire circle. The program is included in the regular admission ($5 per vehicle) to the park. 1000 Faver-Dykes Road, St. Augustine. Info: 904-794-0997
Halloween Magic at Colonial Quarter – A special Halloween- themed Magic Show and a thrills and chills Picolata Players performance are scheduled at Colonial Quarter as part of the attraction’s Halloween celebrations. Mayhem de Magnifico and crew add some not-too-scary tricks to this kid-friendly Magic Show at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids 5 to 15. Under age 5 free. 33 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-599-2113
Fall Women’s Exchange Luncheon- Enjoy a special luncheon in the gardens of the historic Pena-Peck House. Doors to the Gift Shop open at 10:30 a.m. and the luncheon is served at noon. Tickets are $25 and include $5 fun money for shopping. Reservations are required in advance. 143 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-829-5064
Friday – Saturday: October 25 – 26
Creatures of the Night at the Alligator Farm – A great time and special treats await young ghosts and goblins at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. Hours are 5:30-7 p.m. Admission is $9 adults, $7 children ($8 and $6 for Annual Pass holders). 999 Anastasia Blvd., St. Augustine. 904-824-3337
Friday – Sunday: October 25 – 27
Form and Feelings Art Exhibit – The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach hosts the works of Joyce Gabiou & Richard McRae in an exhibition called “Form and Feelings” through November 15. Admission to the gallery is free and open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-280-0614
The Tasting Tours ‘Vittles and Vino’ Tour Celebrates Pink! – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hop on board a Vittles and Vino VIP (horse drawn) Carriage Tour for a 3 hour food and wine experience in October and we will donate $5 per ticket towards Breast Cancer Awareness. Tours are Friday – Monday at 2 p.m. Tours depart from 100 St. George Street, Suite E. Tickets are $109 pp all inclusive. Call or text 904-325-3911 for more info or visit
Saturday – Sunday: October 26 – 27
St. Augustine Maritime Heritage Festival – The Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park hosts a two-day Viva Florida 500 festival including live entertainment, the quick and dirty boat building competition, book signings, kid zone, old city maritime bar tending challenge, beer and wine tent and more. The festival will be open each day from 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. Tickets are Adults $12; Seniors (60+) $11; Children 6-12 $8; Children 5 and under and St. John’s County residents are free. The festival is a fundraiser for the St. Augustine Maritime Heritage Foundation and will support the completion of the 16th Century Longboat Chalupa. 11 Magnolia Ave., St. Augustine. 904-829-3168
Fiesta de Aviles and Running of the Bulls – The spirit, beauty and ambiance of Aviles Street, the oldest street in the United States, are celebrated in the 4th annual Fiesta de Aviles. At 3 p.m. on Saturday, the popular Running of the Bulls (humans in bull costumes) takes place and performances by Luis Mario Peral and His Latin Jazz, Lonesome Bert and the Skinny Lizards and James and Sylvia Kalal add to the festive Spanish atmosphere. On Sunday, Aviles Street shops, restaurants and galleries will compete in a Margarita Sunday competition with the winners selected by the voting public. Some of St. Augustine’s most popular artists will participate in a “plein air” exhibit in the courtyard of the Ximenez-Fatio House Museum. Fiesta admission is free. 20 Aviles Street, St. Augustine.
Cross Roads: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings & Norton Baskin in Unguarded Moments –
St. Augustine’s “A Classic Theatre” presents an intimate look at the relationship of Pulitzer Prize -winning author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and her husband, Norton S. Baskin. The play was adapted for the stage by Deborah B. Dickey from the actual correspondence of this fascinating couple during their courtship and long separations. Featuring Nancy Grote as Rawlings and Kelly McTaggart as Baskin, the play will be performed at the Lohman Auditorium in the Center for Marine Studies at Marineland. General Seating is $20 per person. Performances are Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 9505 N Ocean Shore Blvd., St. Augustine. 904-829-5807
Haunted Trails and Corn Maze – The Florida Agricultural Museum hosts a wagon ride through the woods, magic shows, carnival games and a haunted house. Come in costume! The ride takes place 6 – 10 p.m. each day. Admission is $10; toddlers are free. 7900 Old Kings Rd. N, Palm Coast. 386-446-7630
Saturday: October 26
Uptown Saturday Night – From 5 – 9 p.m. on the last Saturday of each month, experience live music, refreshments, new exhibits, book signings and much more at the galleries, antique stores and unique shops on St. Augustine’s San Marco Ave., between Ripley’s Museum and the Mission Nombre de Dios. The Mission Nombre de Dios provides free parking. 904-823-9263
Old City Farmers Market – Features locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, plants and more. Takes place 8:30 a.m. to noon at St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340 A1A South.
Family Seining at the GTM Research Reserve – Join GTM Research Reserve docents from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. to learn how to pull a seine net, collecting species of fish, crabs and more. Learn about the animals and their roles in the habitat. Waders and boots will be provided. The program is included with regular admission to the Reserve and takes place in the Environmental Education Center. 505 Guana River Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-823-4500
John Fogerty Concert – John Fogerty, Grammy Award winning singer, songwriter and guitarist, performs at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre. A member of both the Rock & Roll and Songwriters Hall of Fames, he has sold more than 100 million records earning 18 Gold and 10 Platinum albums. The show begins at 8 p.m. (gates open at 7 p.m.). Tickets range from $39.50 – $79.50. 1340 A1A South, St. Augustine. 904-471-1965
Salt Run Challenge at Anastasia Water Sports – Presented by Anastasia Water Sports, Year Two of the Salt Run Challenge features spirited competition paddlers and rowers of stand up paddle boards, canoes, kayaks, rowboats, or any vessel that is human-powered. The competition at Anastasia State Perk includes a 1-mile race at 11 a.m. and a 2-mile race at 1 p.m. with an advance registration fee of $15 ($20 the day of the event). There will also be a .5 mile kids’ race at noon (advance registration $5 and $10 the day of the event) and a Halloween costume contest at 2:30 p.m. Participants are encouraged to race in costume. A limited number of kayaks and stand up paddle boards available at no charge to registered competitors who request them in advance. Proceeds from the race will be donated to Pink up the Pace. Participants and spectators will pay the regular park entrance fee of $8 per vehicle with 2 – 8 occupants, $4 per single-occupant vehicle, or $2 per bicyclist/walker. The event is from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 850 Anastasia Park Road, St. Augustine. 904-461-2035
Anastasia State Park Fall Fun Festival – The Fall Fun Festival include a pumpkin carving and painting contest. Bring your pumpkins at 5 p.m. to be on display and visitors can vote on their favorites. The winners will be announced at 8 p.m. Trick-or-treat down the nature trail from 5 – 6 p.m. From 6 – 9 p.m., the Friends of Anastasia will be selling fall- or Halloween-inspired treats as well as hosting their 3rd Dogs and Jam event. Costumes are encouraged for your dogs too. Local musicians will be playing various instruments. Anyone can bring instruments to join the jam out session. The festival is included in regular admission of $8 per vehicle. 1340 A1A, St. Augustine. 904-461-2035
Civil Rights & Black Heritage Tour – St. Augustine Black Heritage Tours Inc. will offer a FREE historic walking tour at 5 p.m. Learn about St. Augustine’s historic role in Black History and events leading up to the Civil Rights act of 1964. Tours depart from the Tour Saint Augustine office, 4 Granada Street and encompass several blocks over the course of an hour. Space is limited and advance reservations are required. 904-825-0087
Halloween Comedy at Colonial Quarter – The Picolata Players add some spooky spice to their usual comedy hi-jinks in their Saturday night performances. All shows begin at 8 p.m. under the stately Colonial Oak at the Colonial Quarter. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids 5 to 15. Under age 5 free. 33 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-599-2113
Sunday: October 27
Lincolnville Farmer’s Market – Eddie Vickers Park hosts the farmers market with farm-fresh vegetables, meats/fish, cheese, bread, treats, arts & crafts, prepared food, jewelry, picnic areas, playground and more! Every Sunday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. 399 Riberia St., St. Augustine.
Family and Friends Kayak Day at Guana – Be a part of the National Estuarine Research Reserve from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., a special place for you and a coastal habitat for an array of wildlife. Ripple Effect Ecotours will provide an interpretative kayaking adventure for your entire family and group of friends. Then explore the GTM NERR Educational Center. All levels of kayaking experience are welcomed. The cost is $55 for adults and $45 for 15 years or younger that includes all kayaking equipment, passes to the Educational Center and guided kayak tour. 450 Guana River Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach. 904-347-1565
‘It’s About Time’ by St. Augustine Orchestra – At 3 p.m., Haydn’s “Clock Symphony,” Beethoven’s 8th Symphony, the Second Movement of Tchaikovsky’s No. 6 and other classical pieces with a “time” theme will be performed by the St. Augustine Orchestra at Christ Episcopal Church. Tickets are $10 and are available at the door. 400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra.
ODDtoberfest Ripley’s Ghost Train Adventure – From 8 – 11 p.m., Ripley’s Ghost Train Adventure Tours kick off ODDtoberfest with musical entertainment, ghost train tours, Ripley’s Haunted Castle investigations and a special late night showing of the “Ricky Horror Picture Show.” Admission is free to guests who purchase a ticket for any of the ghostly experiences. (This evening event show is ages 18 and older only.) Bring a blanket or chairs for the movie. 19 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine. 904-824-1606
“Check, Please” at the Raintree Restaurant – A theatrical performance of “Check, Please”, combined with great dining, creates a memorable and enjoyable evening of entertainment. Tickets to this exciting dinner theatre experience in the upstairs dining room of the Raintree Restaurant are $39.95 (adult beverages served separately). Dinner is served at 6 p.m. (5:30 p.m. arrival suggested) and the show begins at 7 p.m. 102 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine. 904-824-7211
Local Resident Specials
St. Johns County residents with a valid ID are always admitted free of charge to the Oldest House, the Lightner Museum, the Fountain of Youth (special events excluded), the Ximenez-Fatio House, the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse, City Walks History Mystery Murder Evening Tour and the Hotel Ponce de Leon Legacy Tours at Flagler College. The daily tours and wine tastings at the San Sebastian Winery are free to everyone. Also, admission is free to everyone at the Fort Matanzas National Monument, St. Photios Chapel, the Pena-Peck House, the Father Miguel O’Reilly Museum and the Mission Nombre de Dios Museum (donations are welcomed). Many other local attractions offer discounted admissions to St. Johns County residents with valid ID.
Source: Visitors and Convention Bureau