St Augustine Channel 1
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St. Augustine – Downtown Improvement District Ceremony
May 5th
Brief ceremony will start at 3:30pm on Monday May 12 at St. George & Hypolita Sts.
Even though construction related to the Downtown Improvement District began on Monday, April 21, city officials will gather for a brief ceremony on May 12 at 3:30pm to mark the commencement of this extensive and very important project.
The project consists of the reconstruction of Hypolita St., Spanish St. and Treasury St. encompassing both underground utility improvements, including water, sewer, and gas, and streetscaping including lighting, furniture, brick roadway, and coquina sidewalks.
Information regarding the project is available by contacting Reuben Franklin, project manager, by calling 904.209.4279.
Source: City of St. Augustine

St. Augustine – Velo Fest Street Closures
May 4th
Bicycle event will impact downtown traffic on Friday & Saturday, May 9 & 10.
The bicycle events associated with Velo Fest will necessitate some road closures and detours in downtown on Saturday, May 10 starting at 6:30am until noon.
On Friday, May 9, starting at 5:30pm, a bicycle parade will depart Francis Field and continues east on W. Castillo Dr., south on S. Castillo Dr./Avenida Menendez, Cathedral Pl. and Cordova St. ending at Flagler College. While no roads will be closed for this event, vehicular traffic is urged to use caution along the route during the parade.
On Saturday, May 10, the Old City Crit bicycle race will necessitate the closing to vehicular traffic of streets comprising the race course, including Cathedral Pl. and portions of King St., Cordova St., Sevilla St., Valencia St. and Charlotte St. Note that parking along the race course will be prohibited starting at 3:00am and continuing until the event’s conclusion, approximately noon.
Source: City of St. Augustine

St. Augustine – Pedestrian Improvement Input Welcome
May 3rd
City of St. Augustine will host an open house regarding pedestrian improvements along Orange St. and S. Castillo Dr. on Wednesday, May 7 in The Alcazar Room, City Hall, 75 King St.
The public open house is scheduled from 5:00pm until 7:00pm.
Topics will include the project’s schedule, construction impact on the area, and a review of the pedestrian improvements. If you cannot attend, please email your feedback to Jeremy Marquis at
Please note that one or more members of the St. Augustine City Commission or its appointed boards or committees may attend this meeting and participate, however they may not engage in a discussion or debate amongst themselves on any issue that will likely come before their respective elected or appointed body.
Source: City of St. Augustine