Walt Stinson and Steven Weiner founded ListenUp in 1972 to provide the very best in sound reproduction. Over the years that goal has expanded to include categories such as 4K Ultra HD video and advanced automation and control of all other electronics. Today, they have showrooms in Colorado and New Mexico, Commercial and Custom Divisions, and an E-commerce Store that brings over 40 year history of superior service to customers.

Listen Up

Online Customers: 877-744-1179
Service: 303-778-1214
Custom Home Systems: 303-744-1179
Commercial A/V: 303-778-0949
Wholesale: 888-547-8687

Email: contact@listenup.com
Website: http://www.listenup.com/

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2034 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 444-0479

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685 South Pearl Street
Denver, CO 80209
(303) 778-0780

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Colorado Springs
888 E. Woodmen Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
(719) 633-2600

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6916 Montgomery Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109-1421
(505) 296-6978

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Listen UP News

Listen Up - Boulder

Listen Up - Boulder

We visit with Bob Murphy at the ListenUp Home entertainment store in Boulder and learn about some of the cool new TV's, Music Distribution Systems and even large theater style home entertainment systems that their professional installers can set your home up with.[READ|SHARE]
Listen Up - Colorado Springs

Listen Up - Colorado Springs

We visit Listen Up in Colorado Springs to learn about the top quality audio electronics and home stereo equipment they carry. We learn more about the high quality Televisions as well as a look at their specialized home theater installation and sound studio.[READ|SHARE]
Listen Up - Denver

Listen Up - Denver

We visit Listen Up to learn about the top quality audio electronics and home stereo equipment they carry in the Denver store which they have expanded to customize your entire home theater experience.[READ|SHARE]
Listen Up - Best of Boulder

Listen Up - Best of Boulder

Our Best of Boulder TV Special visits Listen Up in Boulder and we talk with Bob Murphy about all the exceptional music and home entertainment equipment you can find in their shop. The newest and most exciting things in the store are all the new LCD and Plasma screen TV's that are thinner and a lot lighter than the old box TV's saving room in your home, or if you want to take your home entertainment to the next level, they can set your room up to be a full out home theater with the high end equipment and controls.[READ|SHARE]