Archive for October, 2004
Gordy Baily’s death and Boulder Council corruption
Oct 16th
Posted by Jann Scott in Jann Scotts Journal
City Manager cuts funding but leaves Public Access CATV 54 alone. Boulder city manager cut $2.5 million out of next year’s budget. He already cut CATV 54 public access TV from $325,000 to $126,000 so this time around he cut one employee at Municipal access Channel 8 whose salary nearly equals CATV 54’s entire budget, 85,000 smackers. Good! Keep cutting over at channel 8. Their fat inflated multi sourced budget deserved it. Keep cutting their Frank. All of the art shows and no government programs on Channel 8 belong on public access 54 to begin with. Council member Crystal Gray tells me city staff engaged in a turf war of 8 vs. channel 54 and tried to scuttle the public channel in favor of saving city jobs. I say let’s fire the manager who started the turf war – Janna Peterson.
Will the Boulder City Attorney please investigate the corruption of the 2000 CATV 54 contract with the City. It seems the Comcast 1.5 million dollars due to CATV was diverted to the city general fund illegally. In a recent e-mail to me, the City attorney says he hopes he won’t have to sue me over malice. Okay Mr. City attorney. Just pay me off. How about $325,000 per year for 10 years to CATV public access T.V? It puts you in compliance. I am happy, and I won’t keep calling all of you over there at city hall a bunch of crooks. Say, is it malice if it’s true? I guess that’s beside the point.
All new video streaming on this website. If you go to all of our TV show sites or the home page you can now see clips of this week’s shows plus there are new cast pictures.
Jann Scott Live moves back to Wednesday night at 9:00 pm only on CATV 54 in Boulder.
From America’s most famous Small City,
Jann Scott