Archive for February, 2012
Downtown Boulder, BMOCA, Twitter PR women, Hill Biz association Irresponsibly promote alcohol events
Feb 25th

Drunk women leaving BMOCA event
Boulder Colorado is huge drinking community. It tops every drinking and party list that comes out. Boulder also has a high level of alcohol related diseases especially alcoholism, mental illness and domestic violence
Last week a media campaign begun by the PR women at Downtown Boulder, on Twitter and at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art are pushing an alcohol driven event called “Best Mixologist”
” The 2nd annual contest stirs up talent throughout Downtown Boulder as select mixologists compete for the audience vote on the best cocktail!Savor, critique, and vote for the most inventive cocktails prepared by an elite group of downtown Boulder’s drink masters. Attendee votes decide the winner who along with bragging rights – will possess the KidRobot custom designed trophy until the 2013 competition. Tickets: $45/advance | $50/door Ticket Price Includes: Access to the event, a commemorative shot glass, samples of every mixologists drink…….”
This is essentially a huge drinking event with absolutely no merit. It promotes alcoholism, alcohol abuse, irresponsible drinking, drunk driving everything Boulder has been fighting for decades. They are promoting addictive behavior. It’s a wonder they don’t have a vodka inflatable outside BMOCA. The city discourages alcohol banners and inflatables promoting alcohol.
BMOCA is supposed to be an art museum, but it is notorious for having drunken parties and this on Best Mixologist is the worst .
Up on the Hill a local Toco shop is trying to turn itself into a late night drinking hole. City councilman Macon Cowles has been trying to get the cops to show stats which relates drinking to crime on the hill. That is a given, but the city is casting a harsh eye on any more drinking establishments on the hill. We shall see. I don’t have much faith.
Boulder has two more super liquor stores opening this year. So the city is hypocritical when it comes to addressing alcoholism.
I think Downtown boulders behavior is outrageous and in extreme poor tastes by promoting young women to become alcoholics. Downtown boulder turned Band on the Bricks into a drunk fest of beer and made it less of a family event. They don’t come anymore.
BMOCA should be ashamed of themselves too. What kind of fucking art museum is this?? Holding a Coyote Ugly event?? That belongs in a bar. Why didn’t BMOCA promote a Best Barista event instead?
What is the most troubling is that Best Mixologist is the brain child of young Boulder PR women at Downtown Boulder and on Twitter. These are the wine and martini girls who ( all they talk about is drinking ) who are pushing more drinking in our community. Shame on them.
From the #1 drinking small city in America
Jann Scott
Boulder Colorado
I never actually met David Letterman, but …
Feb 1st
Before I got into broadcasting , as a guy in his late 20’s I once drove a truck long distance to all 48 states. Letterman had a morning talk show on NBC that was absolutely crazy. So all across america in Truck stop lounge areas, at 10 am weekdays, there would be big burly truckers watching Dave along with Americas housewives. nuff said.
When I started in talk radio in 1987, I hosted a serious programs called Addiction Free Radio but I could not help copying Letterman’s quips. My audience sometimes felt insulted. A new audience found it funny. And thus began my transition from a serious broadcaster to , well what I am now. Jann Scott Live.
Interesting about Letterman is that he was in news broadcasting where he to was fired for being a wise ass weather man. Oh horrors. I have been fired plenty of times for over the top antics.
In 1994 when Vicky our video editor was visting NYC she went to Lettermans show and video taped a piece out side the Ed sullivan Theater as Frann, Janns sister. She actally looked like me in the piece.
Clay, my son went to his show in 1993 and brought me a T-shirt and a post card and door magnet which I still have.
My brother Joe built David Lettermans pool in Connecticut.
I have a signed autograph of David Letterman on my wall. He signed it and sent it to me with a letter written by Lori Diamond thanking me for doing Addiction Free Radio. Letterman is also in recovery. But I have more more time than he does. neener neener neener.
In the late 80s I used to call his office with prank calls. Like, once I told them “we had Daves new Honda ready.” Lori diamond came on the phone, “Dave doesn’t have a new Honda.. she laughed and said Nice try though” I could never get through.
I used to write bits and send them in on his website. They never used any.
A fourteen year old kid I worked with selling coupons actually got his letter read on Letterman.
Finally, in desperation I gave up and decided to just be the best Dave I could be right here in Boulder…
Oh Christ! this was supposed to be about David Lettermans 30th anniversary and some how, again, I made it all about me.
Now I am happy
Jann Scott