Jann Scotts Journal
This is the NEW website for Jann Scott’s Journal. Jann Scott’s Journal has been running since 1998 from Boulder Colorado. It is a written commentary by Boulder’s most famous cultural icon and futurist and talk show host. Nothing is sacred here. This is a burning look at the smartest, happiest, richest , whitest city in America. Jann Scott is the voice of reason from Boulder.
Jann Scott’s Journal St. Paddys day, texting and driving
Mar 15th
St. Patrick’s was a 4th century Saint heralded by the Catholic church. ” According to Irish folklore, one of his teaching methods included using the shamrock to explain the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish people. After nearly thirty years of evangelism, he died on 17 March 461, and according to tradition, was buried at Downpatrick” Wikipedia has a thorough examination of this Christian evangelical Saint.
Here in Boulder St. Patrick has devolved into a drinking holiday pushed by local restaurants, Bars and media. The drunk girl blog Your Boulder pushes the entire day as a drunk fest. And that is what sainthood has come to here.
Texting and driving is at an all time low here in Boulder. Today I witnessed 3 girls ( millenniums) texting and driving in downtown Boulder. One was in a BMW Suv parked at 17th and Pearl. She had to be beeped at to move when the light turned green. Then she drove down Pearl at 15 mph texting and weaving the whole way.. more beeps. When she finished texting she floored it speeding through the 28th street intersection. Then there was a girl in her new Volvo Suv on 28th street driving and texting swerving into the other lane … more beeps. At 28th and Iris a girl in Lexus SUV was driving and texting , going so slow other cars slammed on their brakes to avoid here.
So between drunk girls driving and texting this Saint Patrick’s Day weekend we are all completely fucked.
from the Drunk driving and texting Capitol of the USA
Jann Scott
Sochi Olympics: Putin may actually have it right. by Jann Scott
Feb 8th
The last thing the world needs are a bunch of Muslim terrorists screwing things up in Russia the way they did in 1972 during the Olympics in Germany. Black September a Palestinian terrorist group killed much of the Israeli team. I covered that nightmare while on the desk at International times in London. A lot of “young and dumb” reporters today from the American press have no knowledge on just how wrong things can go. They are beating on Russia and Vladimir Putin at a time when Islamic terrorists threaten to kill American athletes. Bullshit.
They complain because Putin is clamping down on protests keeping them 12 miles away and then Russian police are jailing people. The Gays want protests but they are being jailed. The Muslims are being jailed just for showing up for protests. And no one is getting out before the end of the Olympics. American Gays are now in Russian jails.
What the hell did they think was going to happen? You can’t just go to Russia during the Olympics where black widow Muslim chicks are threatening to bomb everything.
Wrong time. Wrong event. Most definitely the wrong country.
Putin is correct. Seriously. I agree. Jail everybody and figure it out later.
We don’t want any God Dam bombs going off in Sochi.
Jann Scott’s Journal written by Jann scott is Americas web talk show host and the worlds voice of reality.