crazy Christians, Republicans, Occupy Wall street loons, Tea Party and other American wackos
Though the Republicans have a few good ideas, most of them are too crazy to actually run the government. The ideas I agree with are cutting spending in various areas. I do like the idea of getting rid of entire federal agencies that are redundant, do what state agencies do or are a complete waste of job, time and money. If the states can run Medicare, that would be fine by me. If the states can run education, ok good. Maybe a little administrative over site from Washington, but we don’t need monstrous do nothing agencies there. With the Department of defense we don’t need anymore dam ships, subs or attack satellites. Our intelligence agencies , coastal defenses and ready response teams, are important but our military can be condensed…… a lot. I don’t care if Obama raises taxes, but he and the Republicans better cut the shit out of the budget. Obama needs to get his penicil out We need departments that feed and help Americans but also stimulate the economy with good trade laws.
Other American crazies include Occupy Wall Streeters who are young, dumb and full of crap. Just talk to them. They are all over the place. Is it corporate greed and big banks or GMO’s ? Most of them hate capitalism and embrace communism so that gives their movement a no vote right their. The TeaParty on the other hand are focused and politically astute compared to the stoned hippie dumb shit occupiers, but they are all crazy right winged, gun toting, anarchists too.
What are we supposed to do with all this ??
Jann Scott
Boulder Colorado
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