Boulder really is drunk and stoned

What is really sad is that Boulder did this to itself. Boulder has always been dope and drunk Town. It’s just gotten worse and worse and worse.

He killed two because he was stoned on pot and blasted through an intersection.

Boulder beer and pot. Recently a drunk girl in a pickup hit hit and killed a  cyclist. She is the latest #Boulder who was wasted and killed somebody on the road. A few weeks back a teenage boy hit a couple in a Honda Fit and killed them both at foothills and Arapahoe. He was stoned on pot. and he got off light. The girl went to prison for 12 years.
Boulder is actually obsessed with drinking and drugging. Boulder is the drunk Town. Boulder is the stoned to town. Boulder moved in all these microbrews and pot shops which added to the rate of drug addiction and alcoholism though public officials deny it.

People ask why don’t the police set up sobriety checkpoints.? My answer it to that is the ACLU, City Council and City attorney have gotten in the way of that and won’t allow it.

She ran over a cyclist. She was on her 3rd dui

Why did Boulder move all of these pot shops in to the community get everybody Stoned on dope and now we have people killing each other on the streets from balconies with hammers what have you done?

We have more liquor licenses than you can shake a stick at. There are beer halls all over.

So I will say it again and I’ve said it before and I’ve been saying it for the past 20 years. The city of Boulder officially pushes dope and alcohol on its youth and now those chickens have come home to roost. You can’t ride a bike on the street. you can’t cross in a crosswalk, you can’t drive down the street without being at risk todrunk and stoned drivers.

Seriously my neighbors and I had a chat afternoon and we counted the amount of times in the past two weeks that drunk and stoned drivers have recklessly driven through the city nearly hit us.

This recklessness really is on the city council period. They caused all of this. How so ?? They brought in all these liquor licenses you opened up all these Dope Shops…

Homeless pee and harass downtown Post office

Another chapter in “there goes our freedom and safety because of transients.”
Along with the smell of urine around your home and not being able to walk your dog at night safely, you can add not getting UPS packages, not being able to go to the post office after hours.
Add Needing locked gates and/or security cameras around the perimeter of your home to the list of ways your life has changed because of Boulder’s homeless industry.

1. UPS will not leave packages that need to be signed for in front of homes for people that on West Pearl, Goss Grove, University Hill and other neighborhoods where transients live and hang out. If you are not home when UPS attempts it’s first delivery, you have to go to a central pick up point-McGukins-to get your package. Picking up at McGukins used to be an option. Now it’s a requirement if the package needs a signature.

2. The downtown post office lobby is now closed after hours due to “security concerns”. No going in at night to use their shipping machine. No retrieving your mail from your PO Box at night. I’ve encountered some scary people hanging out in this lobby, so I’m not particularly surprised it’s come to this. The post office has also taken the additional step of removing the bench outside it’s front door where transients sat all day.

3. The homes and offices around Lolitas have long had a problem with the transients that Lolitas attracts. A few years ago, a transient punched a neighboring resident in the face. Another threw a rock through the front window of the Bedells Antiques. Gypsy Jewel has fought transients hanging out in front of it’s business for several years. The building Gypsy Jewel is in couldn’t keep transients out of it’s parking garage. The building went through the expense of adding locked security gates on the three open sides of their building last summer. This summer they’ve had to go through the additional expense of adding CCTV cameras.

It’s just a guess, but doubt the package thefts have been reported in most incidences. Would you call the police when a package was stolen? Most people just file an insurance claim and move on. So those crimes aren’t being included in our stats though they’ve been enough to force UPS to overhaul it’s delivery practices.

This crime map of Boulder shows the property thefts, burglaries and thefts in Boulder for the month of August. It looks like 90% of them are taking place downtown. You can see why people who live outside central Boulder accuse downtown residents of being heartless when it comes to the homeless. They aren’t being effected by the problems. Plus they get so many Facebook likes from their friends when they post photos of themselves helping out the downtrodden. Empathy for housed neighbors doesn’t photograph well.

Worst Intersection in Boulder

The intersection at 28th and Jay road has has horrific crashes all summer long, yet the city will not put in left turn signals headed north. Why not? their traffic engineer said there is no need. No Need! what is wrong with him?
I have talked to the city and about this intersection over and over. I even shot videos of the crashes.
Short of telling him he is an idiot, I thought i would tell you again.
This is one of the worst intersections in the city and I nearly get killed here every day…
A slower speed limit would help .. Cars and trucks blast through there at 45 mph. Speed limit to be 30. There need to be turn arrows all around.
I did this video 3 years ago.