Jann Scotts Journal
This is the NEW website for Jann Scott’s Journal. Jann Scott’s Journal has been running since 1998 from Boulder Colorado. It is a written commentary by Boulder’s most famous cultural icon and futurist and talk show host. Nothing is sacred here. This is a burning look at the smartest, happiest, richest , whitest city in America. Jann Scott is the voice of reason from Boulder.

Density in Boulder Bob Yates
Mar 6th
I moved to Boulder in 1974 And started working for a news media immediately.
Overcrowding of Boulder was a topic then as it is now.
Cycling paths were just being built. The city had a plan to build offer cyclynn from North Broadway all the way down to Arapahoe to connect with the University Colorado off road paths
40 years later that never happened
In 74 Boulder was compared to Aspen a life city also the 2nd most expensive community to live in Colorado..
By 1984 housing In apartment buildings had exploded in Boulder
By 1994 building Continue to explodeThere was huge backlash by radical environmentalists who actually burn down some new construction 2023 we have Monstrous apartment buildings lighting 30th street
Traffic is bumper to bumper
The city has lost control of growth
No urban density is in vouge. Radical environmentalists switch their position.
Suddenly Boulder has turned in to the metroplex of Denver
Between 200-300 units of new housing are added each year. It’s been pretty steady for the last two decades, with the growth rate averaging 0.6% per year since 2000, lots slower than most Front Range cities and lots slower than Boulder in the second half of the 20th century. You have to look at facts, not rely on anecdotes.
My God.
That is worse than I thought.
You make my point.
We were supposed to be a no growth slow growth enclave of utopia.
Then we have to consider the size of some of these structures And their placement.
The IBM plant is relatively empty. The city should have been putting teck campuses out there not in 30th st.
Our side walks are too narrow and there are practically NO disabled parking spots on the streets of Boulder
One thing I think all of Boulder would go for
Are size limitations on Automobiles
Plus making them all Electric, hybrid Electric, or 30 mpg . That would cut emissions by 50%

Moving Homeless camps Wednesday, but where to and any drug treatment ?
Mar 5th
Council and Police
So now today you are moving downtown camps. But where do they go? Nowhere? that means they will set right back up again tomorrow some where else downtown. How dumb is that? Who’s genius plan is that? You have to move them some place.
How about drug and alcohol treatment right then immediately today?? what ? No plan?
Of course because nobody knows what they are doing. Nobody has the courage to take big bold steps.
Here’s the plan.
” Arrest everybody for drug possession and send them right to Jail. There they will have food shelter, clothing and Drug treatment.”
or Deem them intoxicated and send them to the ARC for a 3 day hold.
or Have a fenced area next to the Jail for a homeless camp and transport them there.
But you can’t just say “hit the bricks , you are on your own, have a nice day” that is what not knowing gets you.
Lets go you guys`!

Colorado is a Make my day state
Feb 28th
Council dearest
Do you realize that Colorado is one of the few “make my day states”
Taken from Dirty Harry.
But more importantly if a young woman is walking
by the band shell , accousted by a meth head camper.
She is allowed to shoot him w her Glock 19 when
her life is threatened
I predict you will see an uptick now.
Women especially are pissed off with you council,
because you allowed the city to succumb
Jann Scott Live (@Scott3Jann) tweeted at10:25 AM on Tue, Feb 28, 2023:
Since @bouldercolorado and the@boulderpolice cannot protect#Boulder , does it make sensefor everyone to start carrying a gunfor self protection?? On streets?In car? Shopping? To movies?To class? Everywhere?
(https://twitter.com/Scott3Jann/status/ 1630620302605705217?t=Q- ZJjhZnG6z7lQMgl5MZvw&s=03)
The gun store told me upscale citizens
made a run on guns and they are sold out.
So kids.
While you are fooling around with
police oversight committees
Boulder is arming up to go shopping or to class…
Ps know why officers don’t want to work here?
Because the council is a nightmare!